Tuesday, October 17, 2006

First Game Completed: Pong

Well, we all have to start somewhere, so I decided to write a simple game to learn the basics behind game design before I went to some more complicated project. It definitely paid off, with my first game being a clone of the hit game 'Pong'. Ok, maybe not a hit, but close enough :D. My next project is to write an Asteroids clone... it would be nice to show those asteroids in real 3D, not just wimpy 2D renderings of 3D models for my DirectDraw engine... why must they make it so hard to do anything in Direct3D? I've searched for ages just to find a tutorial just to initialize Direct3D - not even draw anything... I found some thing called D3DX, but couldn't be bothered downloading anything and I read that it only comes with the SDK after version 9 - I just so happen to be using version 8... if you have any idea how to do Direct3D, please send an email pcmattman@gmail.com.

I'll keep this space up-to-date with the happenings of the Asteroids implementation, until then, farewell for now.


Anonymous said...

oh yes indeed..I find this intellectually stimulatiing...the detail is so intense lol...it facinates me beyond this world..:P

Anonymous said...

actually..come to think of it..it kind of is interesting but..if anyone tells anyone I said this...you'll be having a knuckle sandwich for lunch tomorrow!